

Your guess is as good as mine.

It must have been painful.


Way too fast.

Somehow my little Poppyseed had grown into a big, smiling, cooing, rolling over baby. What happened?


Terror Stricken, and 76 cents

Mira (3) and Sophia (5) wanted to paint their finger- and toenails. I agreed to help with this endeavor, and was surprised a few minutes later to find Torrin (7) polishing Mira's toes. He intended only to do Mira's toes, but 76 cents was enough to convince him to paint fingernails and Sophia's also--freeing me from duty.

Speaking of duty, I have not fulfilled mine. I bought my Kia over six months ago. We hit 10,000 miles on Wednesday at 5:30pm on the way home from work. But?

I still haven't registered and licensed the thing. It's the sales tax that I can't afford. Monday, I will file my taxes, so I'll be able to pay it soon (thank you earned income credit!).

Tuesday morning, I finally got pulled over while driving. It has dealer placards in its license frames, and is supposed to have in-transit papers attached in the front and rear windows. I have one in the front (it says 08/02/08, which is 30 days after I bought it, i.e., when I was supposed to have licensed it by). The officer just told me I needed to put my in-transit sign back in the rear windshield, failing to notice the five-months'-past-expiration date on the front.



Photographic evidence of my wit's ending

A rare quiet moment. Sophia, Mira, and Torrin's friend Aaron playing Go Fish.

My father and Claire wearing some awesome fur coats (rotten pic of my dad though!)

Anthony looking handsome on funeral day

Mira sporting half-Leia buns

Torrin and his long-lost buddy Aaron

Ben playing airplane with Orion

Who knows WHAT this is. Sophia, Aaron, and Torrin

Torrin's friend from school, Izzet, as Torrin tries to tackle him


27 degrees

Sometimes you have to stop running inside the house. Even though it's below zero by celsius temperature calculation, mom may still send you out to run off some steam.

Sorry it's a link...I tried to upload directly to Blogger no less than five times at various times today, each attempt of which ended with my wireless signal crapping out.



Our house has been chaos lately. Long story short, there was a death in the family and two little sisters and a brother have been staying at our house. Well, one is not so little--she's 13 and taller than me. The other two are 9 and 5 and make great playmates/partners in crime for Torrin and Mira. We finally have replacement downstairs neighbors, too, and I'm sure they hate me for all of the running, thumping, screaming and other such pandemonium that has been going on. When I can manage to stay awake long enough, I'll upload some pics and video to post here.