
Tids and Bits

Yeah, so, long time, no update. In the interim I've been to Arizona and back, but so quickly, I'm not quite sure that it really happened. It was "hot," as in, it was 80 in Nebraska when I left and 95 there when I arrived but the difference in humidity made it so that it felt about the same. Anyway, I like it warm, so I was just peachy with that. I attended the Women Are Sacred conference, which is about domestic violence and Native American women.

Oddly enough, I actually tend to sleep at night these days, so that's translated into no blog updates. I'm alive and well, though, as are the kiddos.
I had not realized how many different kinds of cactus there are. I mean, everyone pictures those big saguaros. Those are the ones you always see in desert pics, next to Roadrunner and a dustcloud. But these things were all over the place, all different shapes and sizes.
Maybe that really just means I need to get out more often, lol.
Purdy flowers. The flower obsession continues. There's also a million kinds of palm tree.
Mountains! We don't have any of those in Nebraska.
Again, maybe this just means I need to get out more often...


Takin' On The Jellies...you got some serious thrill issues, dude...

On Saturday while Mira was away with her PITA father, we went shopping. Torrin is in the market for a new bike and has a birthday coming at the end of the month. We've checked out bikes at a couple stores so far, no determinations have been made. But while we were at Target, I spied these:Pink jellie shoes. How could I resist? I hadn't really seen any since my own 7-or-so-year-old-jellie-wearing days. I know they've been around, but hadn't paid them any mind. My mother was less impressed, but hey, they were cheap and they sparkle in the light.

Mira LOVED them. The first night, she even slept with them on. And wore them to school the next three days in a row despite their being banned from the playground at daycare. I tried to put her in other, more regular shoes, but Miss Mira protested, jumping up and down, throwing off the rejected regular shoes dramatically, and running, wailing, to retrieve the jellies.

Thankfully, they let her play on the playground anyway.

Today? She wore her pink flower boots. Thank goodness.